
The Clique App concept came to fruition in a meeting with a client who highlighted an opportunity in the social networking space for a premium, networking app.

The Challenge

The goal was to reimagine the traditional members club in a digital, app-based space, targeted at 18-35-year-olds, giving users premium access to brands and like-minded members. I worked with another designer to develop the first concept that was to be passed on for further development.


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With the two goals in mind, there were countless decisions to be made, regarding how the app could create drive interest and provide value to its users. In consideration, we came up with a tier system, to differentiate the exchange of value between user and app. We segmented our users into Black (VIP), Gold (premium) and Silver (standard) members, a tier that would sit on their profile and dictate the level of access and rewards the user can redeem.

We imagined the app would be powered by a virtual currency called "Clique Points". Members would earn Clique Points by interacting with the app in various ways and could use these points to redeem event access and premium app rewards. With the reward system understood, we decided our next step would be to visualise the beta platform, starting with the most important user journey on the app, the onboarding process.

The journey we illustrated was that of a standard, silver member. The member had just downloaded the app and was going through the process of creating a profile, searching for and registering his attendance at his first event. I designed some low fidelity user flows to map out this journey, including useful features like tooltips to aid the users understanding and navigation.

I then decided to build on this journey, tying the interaction with the app's reward system. I wanted to explore how the user could benefit from completing valuable actions, in the example below, the user has registered for their first event and received a Clique Point reward in their notifications menu. The points reward served as instant feedback, confirming a successful, positive interaction.

With a better understanding of how the product would function, these screens were handed over to the other designer to be developed further, producing some high fidelity wireframes. He also created a mini branding guide and design system to aid the development of the UI components across the app, before visualising a detailed onboarding journey.



Due to budget and time constraints, the final deliverables for the project were largely conceptual. Despite this, due to the thorough execution of the process, we were able to establish a fully visualised beta app platform. The goal was to test and design a concept that could be developed further and, with our UX/UI exploration, we were able to achieve that.

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